In an increasingly interconnected digital era, the protection of personal data has become an ever more critical concern. One serious threat to individual privacy in the online world is doxxing. To gain a deeper understanding of doxxing and how it is regulated by Indonesian law, we will delve into a case involving two renowned food vloggers, Codeblu and Omay.
The Codeblu and Omay Case
The feud between two food vloggers, Codeblu and Farida Nurhan, known as Omay, has escalated significantly. Codeblu suspects Omay of engaging in doxxing against him. But what exactly is doxxing?
Doxxing is the act of disclosing someone’s personal information online without their consent. This information typically includes their real name, home address, phone number, email address, and other personal data. Doxxing is usually done with malicious intent, such as to embarrass, intimidate, or damage the reputation of the victim.
In the case of Codeblu and Omay, Codeblu was dismayed by Omay’s actions, as she publicly revealed his identity through comments on Instagram. Codeblu responded by serving a legal notice to Omay.
Due to Omay’s actions, Codeblu served her with a legal notice, demanding a written apology to be uploaded on TikTok for the public to see.
Indonesian Laws Regulating Doxxing
In Indonesia, doxxing is governed by two primary laws:
- The Electronic Information and Transactions Law (ITE Law)
The ITE Law, particularly Article 27, explicitly prohibits the dissemination of someone else’s personal information that could harm an individual without their consent. This includes criminal penalties such as imprisonment and fines.
Article 27 ITE Law:
“Any person is prohibited from disseminating Electronic Information and/or Electronic Documents that contain the Personal Data of Others with the intention that the Electronic Information and/or Electronic Documents will be used for actions contrary to the law as referred to in Article 27 paragraph (1) with the provisions as referred to in Article 45 paragraph (1), is subject to imprisonment for a maximum of 4 (four) years and/or a fine of up to IDR 750,000,000.00 (seven hundred and fifty million Rupiah).”
- The Personal Data Protection Law (PDP Law)
The PDP Law, which has been in effect since September 2020, provides more specific regulations regarding the collection, use, and protection of individuals’ personal data. Violations of the PDP Law, including doxxing, can result in criminal sanctions.
Article 65 PDP Law (1):
“Any person is prohibited from unlawfully obtaining or collecting Personal Data that does not belong to them with the intent to benefit themselves or others, resulting in harm to the Personal Data Subject.”
Article 65 PDP Law (2):
“Any person is prohibited from unlawfully disclosing Personal Data that does not belong to them.”
Violations of Article 65 of the PDP Law can result in imprisonment ranging from 4 to 5 years and/or fines ranging from 4 to IDR 5 billion. These serious penalties are intended to send a strong signal that violating personal data privacy is a serious offense that will not be tolerated.
Steps for Data Privacy Protection
To protect your personal data from doxxing and potential legal violations, you can take the following steps:
- Legal Awareness: Familiarize yourself with the laws that govern online privacy, including the ITE Law and PDP Law. Understand your rights and protections under these laws.
- Privacy Settings: Utilize privacy settings on your online platforms, such as social media, to control who can access your personal information. Ensure you review and set privacy permissions carefully.
- Online Activity Monitoring: Keep a vigilant eye on your online activities and watch for signs of suspicious behavior or potential doxxing. Report any suspicious activity to the authorities if necessary.
- Report Violations: If you become a victim of doxxing or online privacy breaches, promptly report the case to the appropriate authorities and the relevant platform. This action can help identify perpetrators and take appropriate legal steps.
- Education and Awareness: Enhance your understanding of online risks and educate yourself on how to maintain online privacy. Share this knowledge with friends and family to help protect them as well.
With these measures, you can enhance your protection of personal data and be better prepared to address potential threats like doxxing. Data privacy protection is your right, and Indonesian law has established robust legal foundations to safeguard it.